Photography Practice

22:30 Angela 0 Comments

Beware! There are no exciting photos in this post, its actually the same subjects appearing over and over again. I'm posting these pictures, so I can analyse these photos and see how I can improve. If you have any suggestions please let me know! It will be very much appreciated.

I am currently reading a photography book (featured in my last post). There are assignments at the end of each chapter, one of which was to use the programmed modes and compare it with the automatic mode.

 I can definitely see the difference between the landscape mode and the auto mode. Auto modes uses flash and increases the shutter speed. There are also more shadows as well. Landscape mode uses a higher ISO setting but this due to the lack of flash and lighting. Landscape mode looks more natural.
Both pictures have the same settings except the shutter speed, there is slightly more light in the second picture. I can see how much half a second makes in a photo.

 Automatic mode underexposes and increases shadows. Not a very good picture.
 I increased the aperture to f/22 and increased the shutter speed to 30s compensate the increase in aperture. In comparison to the bottom picture where there is a lower f stop and lower shutter speed, it makes a hell of a difference. Much more colorful and vivid.
A close up of the chair, there is a lot of noise, due to the high ISO setting. However by this time it was dark and I did not want to use the flash.

I've missed so many good photography opportunities because I forgot to take my camera! Now whenever I go out, my camera is coming along with me!



17:34 Angela 0 Comments

I have always been interested in photography however, actually taking pictures and learning more about it has been non-existent. I have had this book on my Wish List for a while now and finally took the plunge last week and bought it. I am super excited and cannot wait to finish the book. I have read the first chapter and I've learnt more about photography in the half-hour I've read it than the 7 months I've had my camera!

I have also decided to turn this blog into a photography blog, as I feel this will best fit my purposes of taking photography and this blog seriously. I have debated about this idea for a long time now, but I feel I will be able to increase the amount posts I make, and also it's a nice way to document my progress. There will still be random posts about my thoughts and feelings but mainly photography.

I can't wait to take you on a journey with me this year!

Angela x