In a telescope lens, and when all you want is friends.
I have realised, I DO NOT understand half the lyrics in songs. So right now I'm listening to Coldplay - See You Soon (Insert judgement here) and I hear "In a bullet proof vest, with the windows all closed. I'll be doing my best, I'll see you soon" HUH??? Then it goes "In a telescope lens, and when all you want is friends. I'll see you soon" WHAAATTT?? Maybe it's just me. There's some deep metaphor here that I'm just not getting. Does anyone get that, cause I don't. Funny thing is, I've heard this song a number of times and I've only just listened to it properly. To be honest, I just like the calm melody of it.To further this topic on, I was in a taxi a few days ago and a song came on and I am going to assume it's called "Bounce" as that was literally the only word in the song accompanied with "I'm gonna make you". Everyone in the taxi stopped talking, I think because of complete utter shock and disgust that a group of people decided to produce such a vile song. I am not a music snob (you will probably laugh at my music taste, don't worry, I sometimes do as well) but what happened to music? You know I've lost the point I was trying to make. But yeah, I think people should put more thought into music and not just have repetitive lyrics. (I have realised that was not my original point, as I started this post about not understanding lyrics in songs but I think this is somehow related) You know what, it's 4am.
I think this is more of a kinda diary entry, rather than an actual blog post. There is nothing to conclude here, so this is kinda my conclusion.
Also I think. Spotify should be free.
Shoot me, I'm cheap.
This may or may not be posted. If this is. Welcome to inside my head.
Angela x