13:09 Angela 0 Comments

Isn't this amazing? I love Les Brown, he just motivates me!

I hope this helps

Angela xx


Look what I found!

01:58 Angela 0 Comments

"The trick is to appreciate the mindgames, understanding that they are just games. In fact, all of life and society is just a game, it's for entertainment. There are many ways to pass time, to dance to the music of life, but I personally think that mindgames are the most fun. You say your thoughts are killing you. I felt like that once as well, but then I realised what I've just told you, and I couldn't stop laughing from relief. It's all just a game!

This is a rule that I'm following, it's my motto, I hope it will serve you well: Don't believe in your own bullshit!

I cannot stress that rule enough! If your thoughts are depressing you, then it's bullshit, no doubt. There are no real mental problems, only mental confusion: If you close your eyes to all of that which depresses you, a lack of money, a lack of social interaction, status, whatever it might be... aren't you the same as you've always been? Can't you just... Drop it? Read a book? Play a game?

Society teaches us values that are horribly wrong, such as that we cannot possibly be happy without having a spouse, a lot of money and a job that saves the world or some shit. Understand that you are what makes you happy, and only you. That is how you win the game.

There's a difference between doing the cognitive action of accepting something you've read or heard, and truly understanding it"



15:57 Angela 0 Comments

   (Photo cred, Juan Carlos)

Hello, lovelies

A few weeks back, a few friends and I went to go watch Gabrielle Ducomble

It was an absolutely fabulous night. The sweet sound of the accordion mixed with the acoustic guitar and Ducomble singing French lyrics with her amazing voice made me feel like I was in Paris.  

Persuaded by the alcohol percentage, we ordered the drink Absinthe, unbeknownst to us it was spirit mixed with caramelised sugar and water. I've tried absinthe before (of which the memories makes me cringe a little #unimemories) but because it was under the cocktail menu we assumed that it would be an exotic cocktail.

It came with this contraption...

The sugar was lit on fire, so that it melts and is mixed into the absinthe.

It was left for a few minutes to be infused

The water slowly drips into the absinthe to create a solution like this

After waiting long time, and super eager to drink our drinks, We took a sip and I have to say it is definitely is an acquired taste. I was very tempted to knock it back and shot it (oh, it took a lot of will power not to).  Although it was definitely a lovely experience, I won't be ordering this again. Give me a shot of tequila and I'm a happy woman!

Angela xx