Finding Self
Just wondering...
Can we ever stop finding ourselves? I can say at eighteen years old I'm finding myself, but can I still say that at 40. When does it stop being a reason and start to become an excuse? What does the phrase even mean? Is it finding out our likes and our dislikes? Or finding our purpose in life? Is it knowing ourselves? Knowing what we stand for, our morals and our beliefs. Is it all the above? If so then we can never stop searching. How would I know if I have a distaste for something if I've never tried it. How would I know what kind of morals I have if I haven't been asked or tested ? Do we ever stop and say I've had enough? Is there a great moment in our lives when you say to yourself "I have found myself".
I am confident to state I know who I am. I am confident to argue my beliefs and not be swayed by people's opinions. But I can't say I have discovered the kind of person I am. I'm unsure. As in i'm not sure what my purpose is, not too sure what I want to be in the future, what makes me happy, likes/dislikes etc. Maybe they are two different things very closely related and interlinked, but still different none the less. But I'm not too sure you can have one without the other.
The image above with the quote from Thoreau got me thinking. Aren't we all born lost? Looking for answers to explain why things are the way they are? I don't mean, the big questions such as, what is the meaning of life? Or How did the universe begin? And all that jazz. What I mean is why did they deserve (insert said prize or award) and I didn't? Why is she/he more popular than me? Why is he/she so successful? As we ask these questions; we look inwards and if your like me, you become a self critic. Sometimes good for oneself but sometimes bad. My point is we are all lost, some a lot, some a little but each one of us searching maybe not overtly or consciously but we are all doing it. I just wonder what it is
Part two to come soon...
Thoughts of today
Angela xxx