When is the last time you prayed?

17:07 Angela 0 Comments

I am a lady of faith. I should pray everyday twice a day or more. I should, but I don't. It's not something that is a requirement. Rules that I have to follow or a religious practice. People do what works for them and that varies from christian to christian. But I believe having consistent communication with my Father is a must. How else can I have a good and healthy relationship with Him? If we don't talk, if I'm not in his presence daily.

I have to raise my hand and plead guilty for not doing this. I am not going to talk for all people, but if you find  yourself in agreement or have some things in common then this probably applies to some of you.

Praying is personal, no-one can tell you there is a set way to pray. I mean, sure there are ways to pray and guidelines and such, but no-one can put words in your mouth. You have to believe what your saying and it has to be genuine. Just a simple "thank You for waking me up" can easily be an empty prayer. It becomes such a part of your routine that you completely forget the reason why you're saying it. My point is, I feel guilty when I pray an empty prayer, it is so easy to do. You mumble words monotonously, forming sentences that make a model prayer, doing what is expected of you, but not really doing it FOR you. For God. I've fallen into this trap many a time and I'm learning I should just not pray at that particular time because it's wasted efforts and I'm not giving God my all.

Maybe I'm just making up excuses, if I really wanted to pray, then I would. Right? I shouldn't stop praying because I don't feel like it. We should be prayerful in and out of season.

When was the last time I prayed? Sunday. When was the last time you prayed? Someone said to me "if you really wanted to do something you would do it, if it means that much to you". At first I got angry because I knew what they said was true and it wasn't something I wanted to hear at that particular time. But then I got thinking about it and I realised how many different aspects I could apply this to. One of them is prayer. Ultimately in the end, there is no excuse. You can't tell God, "I had no time, I was busy".  Time should be made for prayer. Another reason I don't pray is because I put it off even when I have nothing planned for the whole day! You need to connect with God. How can you claim to be a christian and not know who you serve. It's like claiming your BFFs with someone you've only just spoken to twice!

There really is no excuse, but you know I'm trying. Are you? I've addressed the problem. Scratch that, God has shown me where i'm slacking.  Now it's time to fix it. Will you?

Food for thought..
Angela xx