
21:20 Angela 0 Comments

You learn from your mistakes. A saying everyone knows. A saying you tell yourself to compensate for the things you've done to yourself or to others.

I tell myself this all the time. Learning from ones mistake is a way to grow, to move forward in life. But how many mistakes does a girl have to make! Sometimes I see it as momentary sacrifice. Why? Because you have to let go of the happiness or some sort of bliss, or just simple contentment of life to endure the heartbreak, anger, disappointment or anything that brings a negative mood to your once content life. We have to live through this momentary discomfort. This sometimes angers me, why do we have to go through all this?! Only to learn not to do these actions again. I'm not saying it's a deliberate sacrifice or something we choose to do. But it is still a sacrifice none the less, as we are letting go of something else to gain; in the end what 'should' be a learning curve.

I wish we didn't have to make mistakes, especially the ones we never foresee coming. There are some actions we make knowing there may be some sort of consequence (minor or major) but convince ourselves it may never come. But then again would these be mistakes? Because mistakes are things we do without knowing that it is wrong...

Anyways, there are some mistakes that hurt you bad, and it hurts you so deep, you end up filled with regret. You feel disappointed and betrayed. I, myself as I said once before get angry for the feeling that I'm feeling. Wishing it would go away but it doesn't.

Why can't we just live a perfect life? Where we make no mistakes but we see everything before that comes our way.

Ramble of the day
Angela xxx